On 23 January 2025, the Institute of Economics and Finance of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences hosted the Final Conference of the Aligning HE and VET instruments (QA-HEVET) project conducted at the Institute, entitled “Adjusting quality assurance systems in higher education and vocational education institutions – conclusions from the QA-HEVET Erasmus+ project”. The project team, led by Prof. Mariusz Hamulczuk, prepared a series of presentations presenting the  ​​project’s idea, the most important results, and the application possibilities. The stationary conference was attended by over 200 participants from various universities and vocational education institutions in Poland. The effects and results of our project are available on the website along with the Quick-scan tool, which everyone has access to and can use online (Quick Scan). The project can be considered a great success, and we are convinced that in the coming years, the tool developed as part of the project will serve many entities involved in improving the quality of education.