Polski | ![]() |
„Journal of Tourism and Regional Development”
ISSN 2353-9178 e-ISSN 2543-8859
Information about the Journal
Journal of Tourism and Regional Development be issued from 2014 by the Institute of Economics and Finance of WULS-SGGW. It is a continuation of a series of scientific publications published by the Department of Education Economics, Communication and Counselling. Articles can be in English or Polish. The editor in chief is Professor Krystyna Krzyżanowska, and secretary PhD Jan Zawadka.
The cost of publishing an article in the magazine “Journal of Tourism and Regional Development” is 800 PLN (gross).
Program CouncilProf. Jarosław Gołębiewski – Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW (Poland)
Prof. Jan Sikora – University of Zielona Góra (Poland)
Prof. Izabella Sikorska-Wolak – State School of Higher Education in Biała Podlaska (Poland)
Prof. Andrzej Wiatrak – University of Warsaw (Poland)
Prof. Olena Slavkova – Sumy National Agrarian University (Ukraine)
Prof. Josu Takala – University of Vaasa (Finland)
Prof. Brigita Žuromskaite – Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania)
Prof. Lubov Mykhaylova – Sumy National Agrarian University (Ukraine)
Prof. Vicky Katsoni – University of West Attica (Greece)
Ph.D. Vitalii Rybchak – National Academy of Applied Sciences Ignacy Mościcki in Ciechanów
PhD Sergii Iaromenko – Odessa National Economic University (Ukraina)
PhD Alina Katunian – Vilniaus kolegija /University of Applied Sciences (Lithuania)
Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Krystyna Krzyżanowska
Secretary of the Editorial Board: PhD Jan Zawadka
Subject editors
Tourism: Prof. Henryk Tracz, Prof. Irena Ozimek, Prof. Agata Balińska, Prof. Michał Roman,
PhD Piotr Gabryjończyk
Consulting and Entrepreneurship: PhD Eng. Anna J. Parzonko, PhD Eng. Anna Sieczko
Information management: Prof. Joanna Paliszkiewicz, PhD Eng. Ewa Jaska, PhD Eng. Agnieszka Werenowska, PhD Eng. Ewa Stawicka
Regional development: Prof. Zbigniew Brodziński, PhD Agnieszka Bobola, PhD Wioletta Bieńkowska-Gołasa
Language editor: MSc Agata Cienkusz
Statistical editor: Prof. Joanna Kisielińska
The subject matter of publications
The journal serves as a platform for the exchange of knowledge and experiences of people of science, industry and public administration authorities, whose research interests and activities are centered around the theme of tourism and regional development.
Indexation in databases
Editors is in the works whose purpose is to introduce the journal to the base Index Copernicus, BazEkon and POL-index.
Information for Authors
- Previously unpublished studies in Polish or English on the broadly understood issues of tourism and regional development are accepted for evaluation and publication.
- Articles should be sent (in MS Word format) to the e-mail address: jan_zawadka@sggw.edu.pl.
- The total volume of the article (including bibliography) should not exceed 12 pages (A4 format, 2.5 cm margins on each side).
- The article (except for the content of tables and bibliographies) should be written in Times New Roman 12 point font, 1.5 line spacing. Table contents and bibliography – font 11 Times New Roman, spacing 1.15.
- The article layout is as follows:
- Name and surname of the author (s) and his (their) affiliation.
- ORCID number.
- Title of the article in Polish and English.
- Summary of thesis in Polish and English (5–15 lines).
- Keywords in Polish and English (3–6).
- In articles in English, the title, abstract and keywords in Polish are not required.
- In the structure of the article, the following should be distinguished: introduction with a purpose, literature review, research methods, research results (with possible discussion), conclusions, references.
- Correspondence address (postal and internet).
- In the text, it is allowed to use highlighting using italics and bold, but it is not allowed to underline words and sentences.
- Tables, charts and other graphic forms cannot be more than 13 cm wide and 17 cm high; Arabic numerals should be used for their numbering. All tables, charts and other graphic forms must have a title and source. They should be greyscale.
- Charts, tables, diagrams, etc. must be editable – they should be created in an MS Word text editor, and not placed in the form of photos or copied from an Excel spreadsheet (this prevents their editing).
- In the case of articles prepared on the basis of the results of research financed under research programs, authors are asked to provide the source of funding.
- a) one author – provide the author’s name, year of publication and page number; in the case of more than one work by a given author published in the same year, additional letters of the alphabet should be added next to the date (2015a, 2015b etc.);
This issue was discussed by Wilson (2019)…
The authors of the research indicate that… (Johnson, 1997, s. 13).
When referring to the book / article in general, page numbers are not included. However, when referring to specific research results or theses / examples, please provide the number of the page on which they appear.
- b) two authors – no matter how many times the work is cited, always provide the names of both authors, the year of publication and the page number; in the case of more than one work by these authors, published in the same year, add the next letters of the alphabet (2015a, 2015b, etc.); authors’ names should be separated by “and”;
As Wilson, Johnson and Smith (2019) suggest…
The authors of the research indicate that… (Wilson and Davis, p. 2).
- c) three authors – when citing for the first time, all authors should be listed, separated by commas and by “and” between the last two names; for subsequent indications of the same work, the term “et al.” should be used;
First time citation:
Wilson, Johnson and Smith (2019) in their work…
Research (Wilson, Johnson and Smith, 2019, p. 7) shows that…
Next citations:
The research of Wilson et al. (2019, p. 12) indicates that…
These studies (Wilson et al., 2019)…
- d) four or more authors – only the surname of the first author should be mentioned, both when the work is cited for the first time and in later references, while the remaining authors should be identified as “et al.”. The names of all authors of the work should be included in the bibliography;
Smith et al. (1999) argue that…
The authors of the first studies on this subject (Nowak et al., 2007) suggest…
- e) citing several works at once – citing several works at once – these should be listed chronologically; if there are several publications with the same date, then alphabetically within the given publication year; mentioned publications must be separated by a semicolon; publication years of works by the same author / authors should be separated with a comma;
(Smith and Thomas, 2015; Wilson, 2019).
(Thomas, 1995, 2009, 2017a, 2017b).
- f) references in the text to the work of one author taken from the work of another author are marked only in the text, while the bibliography includes only the work read;
As shown by K. Moore (1998; after: Brown, 2018)…
Research suggests that… (Moore, 1991; after: Brown, 2008).
- g) internet sources – indicate the author of the text / article and the year of publication of the material (if indicated). If this is not possible, please indicate the title or a few of its initial words (if it is long) and the year of publication of the material (if indicated). If no title, provide the name of the site that was used and the year of publication of the material (if indicated);
The pandemic forced a search for less crowded places (Brown, 2021).
The coronavirus pandemic is setting a new path for the development of agritourism (Safety of agritourism…, 2021).
- h) legal acts – indicate the beginning of the title (e.g. act, regulation, full title in the bibliography) and the year;
As indicated in the act … (Act, 2017).
- i) if there is no author – the title of the work should be given in the text. If the title is long, only its beginning can be given (the first two or three words);
As determined by economists (Contemporary economic theories…, 2019)…
The list should only contain works cited in the text that have been read by the author of the text, without the works that were cited after another author. Subsequent works should not be numbered / bulleted. Each new source should be put in a new paragraph. The works should be written alphabetically according to the surname of the first author. Works by the same author should be listed in the order of the year of publication (oldest first).
If the thesis has a DOI number, it should be provided like in point e).
- a) one author’s book:
Johnson, M. (1998). Contemporary theories in management and quality sciences. Warsaw: SGGW Publishing House.
- b) book by many authors:
Johnson, M., Miller, J.L. (2005). History of Economics. Warsaw: SGGW Publishing House.
- c) description of a chapter in a book / monograph:
Johnson, M. (2011). History of Economics. In: J.L. Miller (ed.). Contemporary theories in management and quality sciences. Warsaw: SGGW Publishing House, p. 77–99.
- d) edited book:
Johnson, M., Miller, J.L. (eds.). (2004). Contemporary theories in management and quality sciences. Warsaw: SGGW Publishing House.
- e) article in the journal (all parts of the journal title – except for conjunctions and prepositions – should be written in capital letters; the page range of the article should be provided.
Johnson, M. (2019). Contemporary theories in management and quality sciences. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Oeconomia, 9 (2), p. 159–168. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/sb.2015.9.147
Please enter the full name of the journal. Do not use commonly recognized abbreviations.
- f) work in the process of publication:
Johnson, M. (in print). Visions of the future in social sciences. Journal of Tourism.
- g) text from the website:
Zieliński, P. (2021). Agribusiness in the premium version, i.e. experiences that you will not buy anywhere else. Available online: https://www.forbes.pl/life/agroturystyka-pandemia-wymusila-zarzenia-w-turystyce/ (access: 01.04.2021).
Safety of agritourism services in times of a pandemic. (2021). Available online: https://www.cdr.gov.pl/en/bezpieczenstwo-uslug-agroturystycznych-w-czasach-pandemii (access: 01.04.2021).
- h) legal acts:
Act of November 24, 2017 on tourist events and related tourist services. Journal of Laws 2017 no 20 item 2361.
- h) if there is no author:
Dictionary of correct Polish. (2010). Entry: clank. Warsaw: Polish Scientific Publishers PWN, p. 96.
- a) description of tables:
Above the table: Table 1. Table title
Below the table: Source: own elaboration or indication of the source according to the rules of creation of footnotes.
- b) description of the figures:
Below the figure: Figure 1. Figure title
Under the title: Source: as in the description of the tables.
Charts must be editable.
Images should have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.
The author published article transfers the copyright to the publisher and makes a declaration that the work has not been published in another journal (statement 1).
In order to prevent the occurrence of cases of ghostwriting and guest authorship Authors will be sent statements concerning their contribution to the creation of publications (statement 2).
After receiving a review Author I refer a corrected work electronically. The editors reserve the right to make cuts and modifications and to suggest amendments and additions agreed with the author.
The journal provides open access to all articles under the terms of the Creative Commons 4.0 license.
The content of the license is available at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/deed.pl
The procedure for review
The procedure for review of articles submitted to the journal Tourism and Regional Development is in line with the guidelines Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
- Editors made a preliminary assessment of the merits and technical side of articles submitted for review.
- Approved by the thematic editor thematic work will be submitted for review to two independent reviewers, along with the principles of anonymity („double-blind review process”).
- Articles are reviewed by people from outside the research unit affiliated by the Authors.
- The editors have regard to the procedure of reviewing avoid conflicts of interests between the author / authors and reviewers.
- Reviews are written form and end with the application for admission or not to allow the article for publication (form of review).
- Editors will not accept studies already published in other magazines, monographs or secondary studies.
- Papers will be accepted for publication in case of receiving two positive reviews.
- In case of two negative reviews article is rejected.
- In case of two extremes reviews is appointed third reviewer, making a conclusive assessment.
- Editors announces the list of co-reviewers in the last issue of the year and on the journal’s website.
The journal is published in paper and digital form.
The journal “Tourism and Regional Development” has adopted and applies the principles of publication ethics in line with the COPE – Committee on Publication Ethics guidelines.
The detailed rules of publication ethics applied in the journal are available here.
Cooperating reviewers
Akıncı Berat, Anderson Theophilus, Balińska Agata, Beba Patrycja, Bieńkowska-Gołasa Wioletta, Bogusz Małgorzata, Brelik Agnieszki, Brendzel-Skowera Katarzyna, Brodziński Zbigniew, Chuhlib Alla, Daniłowska Alina, Dziekański Paweł, Elfimowa Julia, Erkan Enoğlu Susran, Franc-Dąbrowska Justyna, Gabryjończyk Piotr, Gołasa Piotr, Gołębiewska Barbara, Goryńska-Goldmann Elżbieta, Gümüş Hüseyin, Guzal-Dec Danuta, Ivanova Natalia, Ivolga Anna, Jalinik Mikołaj, Jałowiecki Piotr, Janeczko Emilia, Jaska Ewa, Jęczmyk Anna, Kacprzak Marzena, Kamińska Alfreda, Katsoni Vicky, Katunian Alina, Kiełbasa Barbara, Kilkulski Jarosław, Kisielińska Joanna, Kopyra Marcin, Kowalska Iwona, Krzyżanowska Krystyna, Łukasik Katarzyna, Maćkowiak Magdalena, Malyovanyi Mykhaylo, Matejun Marek, Matysik-Pejas Renata, Mudrak Ruslan, Nahornyi Vitalii, Nesterchuk Yuliia, Niedziółka Arkadiusz, Nowakowska-Grunt Joanna, Ozimek Irena, Pakhucha Elina, Paliszkiewicz Joanna, Parlińska Agnieszka, Parzonko Anna J., Penkova Oksana, Petrenko Natalia, Pietrzak-Zawadka Joanna, Polishchuk Valentyn, Prus Piotr, Ratajczak Marcin, Roman Michał, Satoła Łukasz, Savchuk Vasil, Sieczko Anna, Sieczko Leszek, Siedlecka Agnieszka, Sikora Jan, Sikorska-Wolak Izabella, Skoczek Tadeusz, Słodowa- Hełpa Małgorzata, Sokolova Sofiia, Stawicka Ewa, Szafrańska Monika, Tabor Kazimierz, Toktaş Yılmaz, Tomaszewska-Lipiec Renata, Tracz Henryk, Tranchenko Liudmyla, Uglis Jarosław, Werenowska Agnieszka, Wiatrak Andrzej Piotr, Wielewska Izabela, Wojcieszak-Zbierska Monika, Wołoszyn Jan, Wyrzykowska Barbara, Wysokiński Marcin, Zawadka Jan, Zwolińska-Ligaj Magdalena
Editorial office Journal of Tourism and Regional Development
Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW
Institute of Economics and Finance
Department of Tourism, Social Communication and Counselling
Nowoursynowska 166
02-787 Warsaw
e-mail: e-mail: jan_zawadka@sggw.edu.pl
Published issues
- TiRR 20 2023
- TiRR 19 2023
- TiRR 18 2022
- TiRR 17 2022
- TiRR 16 2021
- TiRR 15 2021
- TiRR 14 2020
- TiRR 13 2020
- TiRR 12 2019
- TiRR 11 2019
- TiRR 10 2018
- TiRR 9 2018
- TiRR 8 2017
- TiRR 7 2017
- TiRR 6 2016
- TiRR 5 2016
- TiRR 4 2015
- TiRR 3 2015
- TiRR 2 1014
- TiRR 1 2014